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Some of the lines that I have included may not be a certainty but I have
added them to help us in our research. You may have some proof that I do not
have. I may have some info that will help you in your research. If we all
work together we may be able to prove or disprove as the case may be.
If any of you want to send me your lineage I will be happy to include it in
these pages so we can find our connections and perhaps "new cousins." If you
have any inquiries don't hesitate to e-mail me. Also any corrections that
need to be made.
Here is a Web Site for everyone. It has tons of
Surnames so you may find yours:
The Raymond information is taken from "Genealogies of the
Raymond Families of New England 1630 to 1886" by Samuel Raymond. I found a
great place to look for the Raymonds (Raments) and more at this link.
The Jones information is taken from "Elijah Jones Through Three
Generations" compiled by Edith Hebb and Joy Jones.
This is the e-mail for Judy, one of my Jones cousins. It seems our Great Grand
Parents were Brother and Sister!
The Carnahan information is taken from "The Family of John
Wesley Carnahan" & "Adam Carnahan Sr" by Ronald J Carnahan.
The Stone information is taken from "The Stone Book" compiled by
Olin Stone.
The Freeman information is from "The
Descendents of James Freeman, Sr" compiled by Marjorie Moore.
I just received more information from another
cousin. With this additional input I have added more to the Strickle (el,
ell) line.
I trace to three of the original Settlers of
Springville, Iowa. The Freemans, Jones's and Carnahans. So if there are any
cousins out there I haven't found please e-mail me I would like to meet you!
Here is another link for some of us, or our families, who hail from Iowa. It
is the link to the "Iowa Genealogical Society" page.
I also have permission from the above named
"cousins" to share their information. I do charge what it costs for the
printing of said booklets plus postage.
"The Descendents of Joel Jones & Lemuel
Smith" by Elbert Smith has been added because of the possibility I connect
through Isaac Jones who moved to Bolton, CT. He married Hannah Welles
(Wells) had 17 children
who survived to adulthood. Son Elijah married Martha Reed. This is the
family I am interested in.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
[E] [F] [G] [H]
[I] [J] [K] [L]
[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R]
[S] [T] [U] [V]
[W] [X] [Y] [Z]
[Abbott] [Abbott] [Adams]
[Adams] [Adams] [Adams]
[Adams] Akim [Albertson]
Alden [Alexander] [Alexander] [Alford]
Alger [Allen] [Allen]
[Allen] [Allen]
[Allen] [Allen] [Alloway]
[Almes] Alms [Ambrose] [Anderson]
[Anderson] [Anderson] [Andrews]
[Andrews] [Annabel] [Anthony]
[Archer] [Armstrong]
[Armstrong] [Arnold] [Ashbaugh]
[Ashley] [Ashton] [Atkinson]
Bader [Baird] [Baldwin]
[Baldwin] [Baldwin] [Baldwin]
[Bannister] Bardolph
[Barker] [Barker]
[Barlow] [Barnard] [Barnby]
[Barnes] [Barnes] [Barnes] [Barney] [Barnidge]
[Barrett] [Bartholomew]
[Bartlett] [Barrows] [Bash] [Bash]
Bass [Bassett] [Bate] [Batty]
[Baugher] [Baxter] [Baxter] [Beadle]
[Beale] Beals [Bear] [Beatley]
[Beck] Beckham [Beemis] Beham [Beitz]
[Bell] [Bell]
[Bender] [Benedict]
[Benedict] [Benedict]
[Benight] [Bennett]
[Bennett] [Benson] [Bentley]
[Bentley] [Bentley]
[Benton] [Berkeypile]
[Best] [Best] [Betts] [Betts]
[Beuchat] Beverly, Bickerstaff [Bigelow] [Biglowe] Bills [Binney] [Bishop]
[Birchard] Bissell [Bivens] Black [Blackford]
[Blackwell] [Blain] [Blair] [Blair]
[Blanchard] [Blanchard]
[Blanchard] [Blanchard] Bliss [Bloss] [Bole] [Bond] [Bonogofsky]
[Booze] [Borland] Born
[Boss] [Boston] [Bostwick] [Bosworth]
[Bothel] [Bourne]
[Bouslog] [Bowen] [Bowman] [Bowers] [Bowers] [Bowey]
[Bowlin] [Brammer] [Breckenridge]
[Brewster] [Bridge] [Bridge] [Briggs]
[Bright] Brintnell [Britton] [Britton]
[Britton] [Brockman]
[Brockman] [Brodix] [Brook] [Brooks]
[Brooks] [Brotherton] [Brougan]
[Brown] [Brown]
[Brown] [Brown]
[Brown] [Brown] [Brownell]
[Brownell] [Bruce] [Brucker]
[Brunson] [Bryan] Bryom, Buchholtz
[Buckley] [Buchanan]
[Buckman] [Bull] [Bull] Bunch
[Burchfield] [Burganious] [Burge]
[Burger] [Burgin] [Burgin]
[Burns] [Burns]
[Burrows] [Bush]
[Byham] [Byham] [Byham]
[Byham] [Byham] [Byham]
Caldwell [Camp] [Campbell]
[Campbell] [Campbell] Camper,
Cantine [Capron] [Carey] [Carnahan]
[Carnahan] [Carnahan/Carnaghan/Carnochane/Carnoquhan]
[Carnes] [Carpenter] [Carpenter]
[Carpenter] [Carr] [Carroll]
[Carter] [Carter] [Cassada]
[Cassada] [Cassidy]
Caster [Chamberlain] [Chamberlain] [Chamberlin]
[Chapell] [Chavis] [Cheney] Chessmore
[Child] Children [Childs]
[Childs] [Church]
[Church] [Christianson] [Clark]
[Clark] [Clark] [Clawson]
[Clayton] [Clelland] [Clemons] [Clesky] [Cleveland]
Cline, Clopton [Clough] [Coatney] [Cobb] [Codding]
[Coen] Colborn [Colburn]
[Colby] Collins [Collins-Kennedy]
[Colvenback] [Colwell] [Comparette] [Compton]
[Conkling] Connon [Cooke] [Coolidge] [Coolidge] [Coonley/Kuhnle]
[Cooper] [Cooper]
[Cooper] [Cooper] Coppock [Cornwell] Cotto [Coulter] [Courser] [Covington]
Cowan [Cowart] [Cowdin]
[Craft] [Cramer]
[Crane] [Crompacker]
[Crook] Cross [Crouch] [Crouch] [Crough] [Crumb] Crumley
[Cullen] Curran [Curtis] [Curtiss] [Cutler] [Cutler]
[Cutler] [Cutler] [Cutler] [Cutting] [Cutting]
[Dalzall] [Daniels] Davie [Davis]
[Davis] [Davis] [Davis]
[Davis] [Davison] Davy [Dayton]
[Decker] [Deeter] [Deeter] [Deisler] Delano, Del Skinner [Dempsey]
[Dennington] [Dennis] Denny
[Depew] [Derbonne]
[Devore] [DeWitt] [Dickens] [Dilloway] [Dinwiddle]
[Dix] Doak [Doble] Dobson [Dockter] [Dodge]
[Doggett] [Doolittle]
Doores [Dorn] [Dondna]
[Douglade] [Dritzler] Drew [Drugan]
[Dunbar] [Duncan] [Dunham]
[Dunlap] [Dunlop] [Dunn] [Dunning]
[Durant] [Durham] [Dwight]
[Eames] [Eames]
[Edminston] [Edminston] [Edsall] [Edwards]
[Edwards] [Egerton] Eiben [Elkins] [Elliott]
[Elliott] [Ellison] [Ellison]
[Elofson] Emerson [Emmerson]
[Failing] [Fallowell] [Farnum] [Faulkner]
[Fearing] [Fedder] [Fee]
[Ferguson] [Ferguson] [Finch]
[Fink] [Finley]
[First] [Fisher]
[Fisher] [Fiske] [Fitch]
[Fitch] [Fitch] [Fitzgerald]
[Flagg] [Flagg]
[Flanagan] [Fleming]
[Fletcher] Flora [Floyd] [Flynn] [Fonner]
[Ford] [Ford] [Ford] [Forman]
[Fortune] [Fosget] [Foss] [Foster]
[Foster] [Fowler] [Fox] Frankfurt
[Franklin] [Frantz]
[Free] [Freeman] [Freeman]
[Freeman] [Freet] [French]
[French] [Frierson]
[Frisby] Frueh, Fry [Frye]
[Fulham] [Fuller]
[Fuller] [Fuller] [Fuller]
[Galbraith] [Gale]
[Galligan] Gardner
[Garfield] [Garfield]
[Garp] Garr, Garrett [Garrison]
[Gartley] [Gay]
[Geer] [Gepler] [Getty]
Gibbson [Gibbson] [Gibson] [Gibson]
[Gibson] [Gibson]
[Gilbert] [Gilland] [Glossup] [Glaze]
[Goff] [Golden] [Goldsbury] [Gollop]
[Gonsoline] Goode,
Goodin [Goodnow] [Goodyear] [Gordon]
[Gordon] [Gott]
[Gould] [Graber] [Graham]
[Graham] [Graham] [Grant] [Graves] [Graves]
[Gray] [Green] [Greenlund]
[Greenlund] [Greer]
[Gridley] [Gridley] Griffey
[Griffith] [Grimm]
[Gross/Groce] Gunsaulus, Guntert [Gwaltney]
[Hackley] [Haggard] [Hahn]
[Haight] [Haler] [Hall] [Hall]
[Hall] [Hall] [Hall]
[Hall] [Hall] [Hall] [Hallis] [Hallock]
[Hallock] [Hamilton]
[Hamilton] [Hammond]
[Hammond] [Hanks] [Hanks] [Hanks] [Hann]
[Hansen] [Harding]
[Harding] [Hardman] Hardway
Harmann [Harrington] [Harris] [Harris]
[Harris] [Harrison]
[Hart] [Hartwell] [Hartwig]
[Haslop] [Hassett] [Hastings]
[Hastings] [Hatch]
[Hatch] [Hatch] [Hathorn]
[Havens] [Havens] [Hawthorne] [Hayden]
[Hays] [Hayward] [Heally]
[Hedges] [Helman] [Helme]
Henderson [Hendley] [Henninger] [Henshaw]
[Henshaw] [Herrick]
[Herrick] Herring [Herron]
[Hesketh] [Hess] [Hewett]
[Hewitt] [Hewitt]
[Hewitt] [Higgins]
[Hill] [Hilliard]
[Hilkins] [Hilton] [Hinshaw]
[Hite] [Hipple] [Hoard] [Hobart] [Hobbs] [Hobbs] [Hodgson] Hoff [Holams/Holm]
[Holcomb] [Hollister] [Holme] Holmes [Honeyman]
[Hooper] [Hopping] [Hornshuh] [Hostettler]
[Hotchkiss] [Hough] [How] [Howard]
[Howard] [Howard] [Howard] [Howe] [Howerton]
[Howland] [Hoyt]
[Hoyt] [Hubbard]
[Huber] [Hubler]
Hudson [Huffman] [Hull]
[Hume] [Humeston] [Humphreys] [Hunt] [Hunter] [Hunter] [Hutchinson]
[Hutchison] [Hyde]
[Innes] [Irwin]
[Irwin] Ivesdal [Ivey]
[Jansen] [Janssen]
[Jarrell] [Jarrett] [Jenkins]
[Jenkins] [Jennings] [Jennison] [Jewson] [Johnson] [Johnson]
[Johnson] [Johnson]
[Johnson] [Johnson]
[Johnson] [Johnson] [Johnson]
[Johnson] [Jones] [Jones]
[Jones] [Jones] [Jones]
[Jones] [Jones] [Jordan] [Jude]
[Kaler] [Kaltenbaugh]
[Kane] [Kays]
Kearl [Keasler] Keedick, Keeler, Keely [Keen] [Keene] [Kellogg]
[Kellogg] [Kellom] [Kelly] [Kelly]
Kelly] [Kemper]
[Kendall] [Kendall] [Kenley] [Kennedy]
[Kennedy] [Kerr]
[Ketchman] [Kightlinger] [Kile] [Kilpatrick]
Kiltz (Kilts) [Kimball] [Kimble]
[Kimbrough] [Kincaid] [King]
[King] [King] [King]
[King] [Kingsbury] [Kingsley]
[Kingsley] [Kingsley] Kinison,
Kinny [Kirby] [Kirk]
[Kirkbride] [Kitching] [Kleder] [Kleiner]
[Knight] Knoipp [Knowlton] [Knox] Knox
[Koechell] [Krotts] [Kruger]
Krumpholtz [Kuhns] [Kunkle]
[Kuntz] [Kunzman]
[La Belle]
Langdon [Lair]
[Lakin] [Lamb] Lamberet, Lambkin, Lamkins [Lane]
[Lane] [Langheap] Lanter [Larkey
(ie)] [Larrance] [Lathrop]
[Lathrop] [Lauffer]
[Laughlin] Laurant [Lavine] [Lawrence]
[Lawrence] [Lawson]
[Lay] [Learned]
[Leary] [Lefler]
[Lehner] [Leighton]
[Leighton] [Leonard] [Lepley] [Lesser] [Leslie] [Lewis]
[Lewis] [Lewis] [Lewis]
[Ley] [Lincoln]
[Lincoln] [Lindberg] [Ling]
[Lingo] [Lingo] [Link] [Linville] [Lisk]
[Little] [Livermore] Livingston]
[Locke] [Lockwood] [Lockwood]
[Lockwood] [Lodge]
Loe [Lomax] [Long] [Long] [Lopeno] [Loree]
[Loveless] [Low] Lowe
[Lundquist] [Lyons]
[MacCormac] [MacNeill]
[Mahaffey] [Mahan]
[Maher] [Mallory] [Manning] [Manwaring]
[Markey] [Marks]
Marlin, Marnon [Marsh]
[Marsh] [Marsh] [Marsh]
[Marsh] [Marshall] [Marshall]
[Martin] [Marvin] [Mason]
[Mason] [Mason] Mass [Mathers]
[Mathews] [Matson]
[Matson] [Mattison]
[Mattison] [Maxwell]
[Mayo] [McArthur] [McCallam] McCammon
[McCartney] [McCauley]
[McClelland] McClure [McClurg] [McCowen]
[McCoy] [McCulloch]
[McCulloch] [McCutcheon] McDaniel [McDonald]
McDonald [McDowell] [McFadden] [McGeary]
[McGraw] [McHarvey]
[McKay] [McKeague] [McKean] [McKee] McKellam [McKevitt]
[McKinley] [McKinnis] McKibbins, McKinzie, McKisk
[McManus] [McNamee] [McNeely]
[McRostie] [Melden] [Meneray]
[Merriam] [Messerlie]
[Mettler] [Meyers] Meyers [Michel] [Miles]
[Millard] [Miller]
[Miller] [Miller]
[Miller] [Miller]
[Miller] [Miller]
[Miller] [Miller]
[Miller] [Miller]
[Miller] [Mills] Mintern [Minton] [Mitchell]
[Mixer] [Mixer] [Mizer]
[Montgomery] Moody [Moore] [Moore]
[Moore] [Moore] [Morgan]
[Morgan] [Morgan] [Morey] [Morey] [Morris] [Morrison]
[Morrison] [Morrison]
[Morrison] [Morrison] [Morrison]
[Morrison] [Morse]
[Morse] [Morse] [Mosher] [Mounce] Mull [Mullineaux]
Mullins, Munoz [Murdock]
[Murdock] [Murdock] [Murdock] [Murphy] [Murphy] Murry
[Muse] [Mushrush] [Muzzy] [Myers]
[Nagler] [Nash]
[Nash] [Neal]
[Near] [Neel] [Nelson]
[Nelson] [Nelson] [Newburn] [Newherr] [Newland]
[Newland] [Newman]
[Newson] [Nice] [Nichols] [Nickerson]
[Nixon] [Nixson]
[Noble] [Norberg]
[Norman] [North]
[North] [Northey] [Norton]
Norton [Nottingham] [Nunn] [Nunn]
[Oakes] [Oakes] [Oakes]
[Oakes] [Oakes] O'Brien
[Ogren] [Ohl] Olmstead [Olson]
[Orton] [Olsbye]
[Orr] [Orr]
[Osborne] [Ostrander] [Owen]
Pabodie [Pace] [Page] [Palmer]
[Palmer] [Palmer]
[Palmer] [Parker] [Parker] [Parkhurst] [Parks] [Patrick]
[Patrick] [Patterson] [Patterson]
[Patterson] [Patton] [Paul] Paulet
[Pavey] Paxon,
Paxton [Payson] [Pearson] [Peck] [Pederson]
[Perkins] [Perman] Perrin
[Perry] [Pershing]
[Peterson] [Peterson] [Pettigrew] Pettit [Pfrimmer]
[Phelps] Pherrin [Philips] [Phillips]
[Phillips] [Phillips] [Pierce]
[Pierce] [Platt]
[Ploof] [Plummer]
Poe [Pollay] Polly [Pollock]
[Pontius] [Pope] [Porter] [Porterfield] [Portwig]
[Post] [Potter]
[Potter] [Potter] [Potter] [Powell]
[Powell] [Powell] [Pratt [Prescott] [Pressey]
[Price] [Price] [Priester] [Prior] [Prior] [Proctor]
[Proctor] [Proper] [Proper] [Platt]
Pratt [Pugh] Pullen,
Pulley [Pulsifer] [Putnam]
[Radle] [Radle] [Ramsey] Rambo [Ramus]
[Randall] [Randolph] Rapp [Rasp]
[Rawson] [Ray] [Raymond
Girls] [Raymond/Raiment/Rayment]
[Raymonds2] [Norwalk
Raymonds] [Reasor]
[Redmond] [Reed]
[Reed] [Reed] [Rees] [Reese]
[Reeve] [Rehberger] Reinert,
Remington [Reneck] [Renfrew]
Revell [Revie] Reymon [Rhoades] [Rice]
[Rice] [Rice]
[Rice] [Richardson]
[Richardson] [Rickard] [Ricords] Riddle
[Rider] [Ringle] [Ripple]
Rise [Robbins] [Roberts] [Robinson]
[Robinson] [Robinson]
[Robinson] [Rockhold] Rockwell [Rodgers]
[Roha] [Roher] [Roof
(e)] [Rose] [Ross]
[Ross] Rounceville [Rountree] Rowe [Roy]
[Rudolph] [Ruff] [Rumph]
[Runkle] Rupe [Rupert]
[Ruscher] [Russell] [Russell]
[Russell] [Russell] [Rutger] [Rutledge] Ryan
[St John] Saizer [Saltsman]
[Salzer] Samansky [Sammis]
[Sanderson] [Sands]
[Sands] [Sargent] Savil [Sayre]
[Scarbrough] [Schabacker] [Schal]
[Schermerhorn] [Schlottman] [Schmertz] [Schroeder]
[Schult] Schultz [Schueler]
[Schwab] Schweighart [Scott] [Scott]
[Scott] Searcy [Seouten] [Seaverns] [Sebastian] [Seeley]
[Seivert] [Sention (St
John)] [Sergeant] [Settle]
[Seward] [Shackleford]
[Shaffer] [Shaner] [Shannon]
[Shannon] [Sharpe]
[Shartel] [Shattuck] [Shattuck] [Shaw]
[Shaw] [Sheakley] [Shelper] [Sheppard]
[Sherrard] [Sherrard]
[Shields] [Shire] [Shively] Short [Shreve]
[Shuly] [Shunk] [Shupe]
[Shuter] Sidney [Sierk] [Silman]
[Silverfoot] [Simmons] [Simmons]
[Simmons] [Simonds]
[Sinclair] [Singleton] Sires [Sisson]
Skinner, Skippy [Slater] [Sloan]
[Small] [Smeltzer] [Smeltzer]
[Smethers] [Smith] [Smith]
[Smith] [Smith]
[Smith] [Smith]
[Smith] [Smith] [Smith]
[Smith] [Smith] [Smith]
[Smith] [Smith] [Smith] [Smith] [Smith]
[Smith] [Smith] [Smith]
[Smith] [Smith] [Smith] [Smyth]
[Snodgrass] [Snow] [Snyder] [Solum] [Somerville] [Sontag]
[Sorenson] Southcott [Southgate] [Southward]
[Spangler] [Sprankel] [Sparke]
[Sparks] [Spears]
[Speir] [Spencer]
[Spencer] [Spencer] [Spier] Spilman
[Sponsler] [Sprague]
[Sprague] [Spring]
Sproessigg [Spurgeon]
[Stading] Stanaway, Standish [Stauffer]
[Stearns] [Stearns] [Steele] [Steele]
[Stein] [Stephen] [Stephenson] [Sterns] [Stevens] [Stevenson]
[Stewart] [Stewart] [Stiveson] [Stockbridge] [Stocum]
[Stodder] [Stodder] [Stokes] [Stone]
[Stone] [Stone] Stoneburner [Stonehocker]
Stoneman, Stookesberry [Storer] Stout [Stowe] [Stoy]
Strah [Straw] [Straw] [Strawbridge] [Streeter] [Strickle (el, ell)]
[Stright] [Stryker] [Stuchell]
[Stutchel] [Sullivan]
[Sutton] [Swanson] [Swanson] [Swartz]
[Swentzel] [Sykes]
[Sykes] [Symons]
[Sylvester] [Syphert]
[Tabasinsky] [Tackett/Taquette]
[Tailor] [Tanner] [Tanner] [Tanneyhill]
[Tarbell] [Tartar] [Taylor]
[Taylor] [Taylor] [Taylor] [Tenney] [Terrill] [Terrill] [Teska] [Thayer]
[Thomas] [Thompson] [Thompson]
[Thompson] [Thompson] [Thorne]
[Thornton] [Throop]
[Thurston] [Thurston] [Tier] [Timmons]
[Tobey] [Todd]
[Todd] [Toreck] [Trace] [Tracy]
[Tracy] [Tracy] [Treadway]
[Treadway] [Treble]
[Treese] [Troedson] [Trotter]
[Troup] [Truesdale]
[Tryon] [Tucker]
[Tucker] [Tucker] [Tufts] [Tuley]
[Tullis] [Tuma]
[Turner] [Tuthill]
Ukn [Upham]
Valdane [Vanderhoof] [Van Dyke] [Van
Dyke] [Van Fine] [VanGalder] [Van
Dorn] [Van Marter] Van Schippers [Vaughn]
[Veith] [Vickers] [Vincent] [Vinson]
[Virtue] [Volger] [Votaw]
[Wade] [Wade]
[Wadsworth] [Waeir]
[Wagner] [Waid]
[Waid] [Waid] [Waite] [Wakefield]
[Walrod] [Walker]
[Walker] [Walker] [Walker]
[Walker] [Wallace]
[Walter] [Walters]
Walton [Wamsley] [Ward] [Ward]
[Ward] [Ward] [Ware]
[Warner] [Warren] [Warren]
[Warren] [Warren] [Warren]
[Warren] [Washington] [??Waterman]
[Waterman] [Waters]
Watson [Weale] [Weaver]
[Weaver] [Webb]
[Webb] [Webb] Wehde [Weisbacker] [Weister] [Weister]
[Welborn] [Welch]
[Welker] [Wells]
[Wells] [Welles/Wells]
[Wells] [Welling]
[Wentworth] [Wescott] [West]
[West] [West]
[West] [Westcott] Westwood
[Whann] [Wheeler] [Wheeler]
Whilhite, Whipple [Whitaker]
[Whitaker] [Whitcomb] [White]
[White] [White]
[White] [White]
[White] Whitesell,
Whitlach, Whitlatch [Whitman] [Whitney]
[Whitney] [Whiton] [Wible] [Wicks]
Wicks [Wilbore] [Wilcox] [Wilder]
[Wilder] [Wiley] [Wilkins]
[Wilkinson] [Wilkinson] [Willadsen] [Willard]
[Willard] [Williams] [Williams]
[Williams] [Williams]
[Williams] [Williams]
[Williams] [Williams]
[Williams] [Williams] Williamson
[Willis] [Willis] [Willson] [Wilson]
[Wilson] [Wilson]
[Wilson] [Wilson] [Wilson]
[Wilson] [Winch]
[Winchell] [Wing] [Winkler]
[Winkleplek] [Winn]
[Wisner] [Wissinger]
[Witt] [Wixon] [Woher]
[Wolf] [Wolford]
[Wood] [Wood]
[Wood] [Wood] Woodard
[Woodruff] [Woodward]
[Woodward] [Woolson] [Woolweaver] [Worley]
[Worley] [Worthington] Woten [Wright]
[Wright] [Wrinkle]
[Wuthrick] [Wyant]
[Wykoff] [Wysong]
[Yockey] [Yockey]
[Youmans] [Young] [Young]
[Young] [Young]
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Long Trip! Whew!
Lotsa Cousins! Neat!
Big Family! Wow!
© 2002 Shirley Nunn
Last updated June 15, 2006