Cousins; Let's Meet Sometime!

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This page will be for announcements of Family Reunions or travel plans to another area. Send information to me and I will try my best to put it here for all to read and make plans to attend.

Let's plan some get togethers so we can meet our "new cousins." I have done two Reunions and it is great fun. We can plan it for a time when other events are taking place wherever we meet or we can make plans to compare notes and be our own entertainment!

Everyone will be invited so we can meet at least once a year with our own Families and meet others.

My first Family Reunion in Nunn, Colorado we all had a great time. One of my brothers called a local Steak House and said there were 24 Nunns coming to invade the place. They made room for us and we had a good time with the waiters and waitresses as well.

It was very special to me because I finally got to give my oldest brother a live hug. We had talked and wrote over the years but had never physically met! As the talk got around to our dreams of what we would do if we won a Lottery, perhaps a $1,000,000. I spoke up and said "I would be happy with a quarter." My "new" brother then tossed a quarter over to me! I still have it stashed away. Turns out we all seem to have a great sense of humor!

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© 2002 Shirley Nunn
Last updated December 14, 2002